Thursday, May 25, 2017

Long Island Tick Control: What Is TBRF?

By David Kellan

TBRF, or tickborne relapsing fever, is one of the most serious conditions that east end tick control companies can tell you about. While you may know that it's brought on by tick bites, what you may not be aware of is just how severe it is in the long term. Fortunately, there are ways that you can prevent it from happening to you. Before learning about this, however, here are a few things that you must be aware of when it comes to TBRF.

TBRF is characterized, above all else, by repetitive fevers. To say that these are detrimental would be an understatement, as they're taxing to one's immune system. Even though they eventually leave the body, they can come back without warning. This is why it's important to know how to prevent it, but east end tick control companies will tell you that it's important to focus on other symptoms. This is where expertise from the likes of Alternative Earthcare can come into play.

Apart from the aforementioned fevers, TBRF can be identified by general discomfort in the body. This includes headaches and sore muscles, both of which can be worsened if the right medical care isn't given. These symptoms will only decrease one's quality of life, which is why you should be aware of the care in question. By consulting your local medical specialist, you'll be able to understanding how TBRF can be remedied.

Treatment for TBRF is entirely possible, and it usually comes in the form of doxycycline. Not only has this been able to treat conditions like malaria and Lyme disease, it can be used against TBRF as well. As far as prevention is concerned, your lawn should be treated for tests. Tick control is ideal for this purpose. When you're outside, especially during tick season, wear clothes that offer enough coverage. Your quality of life will be better for it.

These are just a few things that you should know about TBRF, from how it develops to the ways it can be prevented. The idea of experiencing repetitive fevers, without knowing why they occur, is nothing short of concerning. It's possible that this is a result of TBRF, but you're not without help. As a matter of fact, if you consult your doctor at the earliest possible time, you will be able to improve your quality of life before long.

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