Saturday, July 25, 2015

Know How Activities For People With Dementia Improve Their Overall Health

By Phyllis Schroeder

Many people do not understand the conditions that affect their brain cells, as they grow older. However, you should not imagine that brain cells get damaged only by age. You may find individuals who encounter life experiences that cause brain impairment in a great way. Doctors refer to the condition where brain cells are damaged as dementia. This condition affects your thinking, communication and memory parts. To make victims of such conditions feel appreciated, most countries have set several activities for people with dementia.

It is obvious that individuals with health challenges find the healthy one more privileged than them. What the healthy individuals should do is looking for affairs that would make the victims find joy and importance of life. Do not allow the victims to perform personal care engagements such as bathing on their own. Help them to dress well and brush their teeth in the right way since this diverts their attention from what is most oppressing.

You may also participate in improving their life by helping them to prepare meals. Most of the victims of this condition may not know what they should prepare to eat. In fact, some of them even forget to follow the right procedure when cooking some meals. However, you can help them prepare meals in a more professional manner bearing in mind the nutrient balance the meals should contain.

Be on the lead to involve them in some of the social affairs that you know. If you want to go out for coffee, do not go alone, but involve them in this activity. They actually feel they belong and that others are happy about them. You may also involve them to your dialogues and debates just to keep them participating and active. Take any response they give back positively since this is what they are looking for.

If you accompany them in different spiritual places, you will make them stronger in their spirits. Help them prepare to go to church and participate in every activity there. Let them learn the new clapping and dancing styles. Let them feel they have the best voices when singing hymns and when reciting bible verses. Such engagements may make their recovery processes shorter and effective.

When you are not going to church with them, you can engage them in artistic affairs. This means that you would involve them when you are painting your house rooms or cleaning your home area. Accompany them in some of the dancing sessions and let them enjoy the whole thing. You can also buy them trumpets to play at home and keep them engaged.

Do not deny them the chance to participate in any academic activity. Mind stimulation is what they need to think better and remember what they should remember. If there is a puzzle for them to fill, help them do so and also help them to write different books and scripts.

Lastly, allow them to help you do some of the household tasks that are simple for them. Let them help you sort out clean clothes from the dirty one. You may also involve them in the shoe polishing sessions, carpet laying or sofa covering.

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