Monday, May 16, 2016

Important Facts On Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Houston Residents Should Know

By Andrew Miller

Bariatric surgery is a form of operation that is conducted so as to lose weight. The operation may be considered if one has tried out all the non-surgical options but has been unsuccessful. The three main types of surgery that are classified as being bariatric operations include gastric bypass surgery, lap band surgeries and sleeve gastrectomy. If they have plans of undergoing bariatric weight loss surgery Houston patients need to be aware of a number of things.

Gastric banding is the commonest of the three and by far, the most preferred. One of the reasons as to why it has found favor with clients is because, unlike the other two, it is reversible. Another major advantage is that it has fewer side effects. The procedure itself entails the placement of a small band on the stomach (usually the upper region) so as to reduce the functional capacity.

The modern techniques gain entry into the abdomen using minimal access methods. This has largely been facilitated by use of an instrument known as a laparoscope. Such techniques have led to fewer complications and faster recovery times. The main side effects that may be experienced after the lap band procedure include infections, nausea and vomiting. In the long term, the scars are smaller and less prominent.

Sleeve gastrectomy is more invasive as it entails cutting of the stomach. The stomach is cut along its length and about 80% of it removed. This effectively converts the organ into a sleeve-like shape (hence the name of the procedure). The amount of food that can be held is greatly reduced and this causes weight loss in subsequent weeks and months.

Apart from reducing the capacity of the stomach (and thus leading to early satiety). The operation also causes faster emptying of the gut which reduces the time available for food to be absorbed. The few calories that are generated are mainly used in the generation of energy required for day-to-day activities. Very little is available for conversion to fat. The overall effect within weeks and months is weight loss.

Common side effects that may be encountered include leakage of food and bleeding. Bleeding is usually minor in most cases and resolves spontaneously with time. Food leakage, is in contrast, more serious and requires surgical intervention. Other possible complications include damage to vital structures, vomiting, deep venous thrombosis and esophageal spasms among others. The complications notwithstanding, the use of this type of surgery has continued to increase in recent times.

Gastric bypass is the most radical among the three options. It is a procedure in which the stomach is cut at the bottom and the remaining part (the fundus) is joined to the intestines. The initial part of intestines is usually skipped (bypassed) so as to reduce the surface that is available for absorption. Inadequate absorption of nutrients is the most serious complication.

Before a decision to have weight loss surgery is made, one needs to consult with their doctor. Since surgery, is a last resort in most cases, the doctor will be helpful in identifying any other options that can be used in losing weight. If a decision to have the operation is made, a number of tests may be needed. Strive to continue with regular exercise and to have a proper diet to augment the benefits of surgery.

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