Friday, October 7, 2016

Color And Complexion Are Key When Choosing The Best Sunless Tanner Starts With The Skin

By Haywood Hunter

Long gone are the days when sun bathers lined up beaches on lakes, rivers, and oceans with their bodies coated in cooking grease or baby oil. These days we realize how dangerous this practice was, as we see our mothers and fathers fighting skin cancer and age spots, not to mention the generally aged look to their skin. Learning from their example, young people do the research in order to choose the best sunless tanner for them.

Skin tone certainly dictates to a great extent what choices one might make. When one already has a darker tone, they are more likely to go for creams, gels, and lotions rather than a tanning bed. For them, it is all about protecting and moisturizing, as well as keeping their skin tone even, rather than obtaining a particular color or complexion which they may already possess.

Being adequately moisturized is important for the wind as well as the sun exposure. The autumn is a time when people often suffer chapped lips, cheeks, and hands when they are at the mercy of the wind. Those who love to snow ski also are intimately familiar with the fact that sun and wind are the primary culprits for dry, chapped, and burnt skin in the snow, although electric heaters can take partial credit for dehydrating the skin.

Spray on solutions have become quite popular these days, with cosmetic foundation as well as tanning solutions. Some women keep to the cosmetic foundations, however, as the tanning solutions have a tendency to make their skin look orange and unnatural. To avoid this result, it is recommended that the skin be well exfoliated so that the tanning solution can be absorbed evenly.

There is some controversy regarding the safety of indoor tanning, due in large part to the perception that it is a safe alternative. The only thing one needs to do is take a close look at women and men who have been under the tanning bed lights for many years, and see how they have accelerated their aging. Tanning beds utilize the same rays as the sun, and therefore it can be just as dangerous.

One does have more control over the degree and length of time they are exposed to this ultraviolet light. There are those who go too far with it, but it is a self-limiting habit when they learn just how quickly and how severely a harsh burn can occur. For some, falling asleep in a tanning bed is a greater risk than falling asleep on the beach, and this is a serious safety issue since tanning beds literally cook you more quickly than the sun.

These days some of these tanning beds come with an alarm designed to wake the busy human inside when their allotted time has expired. Most beds will recommend increments of only fifteen minutes, and some beds truly enforce that rule. However, one is able to reset the thing for another time slot, and for this reason any business which boasts a tanning bed on site must be hyper-vigilant about keeping an eye on their clientele inside.

With coconut oil being all the rage these days, it is important to point out that there is coconut oil tanning products on the market. This allows for the deep hydration provided by coconut oil along with the skin-protecting benefits of a bronzer. So long as one is not allergic to coconut, this is a highly recommended product.

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