Friday, May 25, 2018

For Affordable Dentistry Andover Citizens Need Not Look Far

By Amanda Nelson

It may not be fair or just, but people form their first impressions within seconds of meeting new people. In this initial assessment, the first thing people notice is the mouth and the smile. A lovely white healthy smile inevitably creates an immediate good impression. However, a smile showing rotten teeth, poor dental work and bad breath is an immediate put off. However, there is no need to suffer in this manner because with affordable dentistry Andover residents do not need to suffer from poor oral health.

Dentists are not only good for ensuring a beautiful smile. They play a vital role in ensuring that their patients enjoy excellent oral health. They also treat gum diseases, conditions affecting the tongue and, of course, the teeth. Because the mouth is almost always wet and because it has to process everything one eats and drinks, it can be a fertile breeding ground for potentially harmful bacteria.

The most common complaint heard from dentists is that so many of their patients see them only when they are in severe pain. Most people ignore the early signs that there is something wrong. They take pain killers and hope that the issue will resolve itself. In fact, it will only get worse. The later one waits to seek treatment the more serious the problem will become.

There is another very good reason to visit the dental clinic regularly. Certain diseases, such as some kinds of heart conditions, hypertension and even some forms of cancer can be diagnosed at a very early age through manifestation in the oral cavity. A good dentist will recognize the signs and immediately refer the patient to a qualified medical expert. An early diagnosis and treatment can often prevent a life threatening disease.

On the other side of the coin, dental conditions can easily spread to affect other parts of the body. Infection in the mouth, for example, can cause infections elsewhere. But poor oral health do not just affect the physical health of the patient. It can easily lead to psychological problems. People with rotten or missing teeth, bad breath and gum disease are often ashamed and they tend to avoid smiling and any social interaction.

So many people still associate a visit to the dentist with pain and discomfort. The truth is that there has been major advances in the field of dental treatment. Modern equipment, drugs and techniques all ensure that dental treatment is virtually painless. In addition, many modern treatment methods have permanent results. The days of discoloured and ill fitting dentures and caps are long gone. Nobody needs to fear a visit to the dental clinic.

Dental care first and foremost start at home. It is very important to brush after every meal, using a good quality toothbrush. Flossing is also highly recommended. It is vital to be aware that certain types of food, such as candy and fizzy drinks promote the development of cavities. They should be avoided. Most important of all, a regular visit to the dental clinic will make sure that latent problems are identified quickly.

The mouth is an important and prominent part of the body. If oral health is neglected then cavities, gum disease and the loss of teeth are almost inevitable. Everybody owes themselves a healthy smile and with help from a dentist, this is certainly possible.

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