Thursday, November 12, 2015

Get The Benefits Of Quitting With Smoking Cessation Programs West Springfield

By Mattie Knight

There are many health benefits to quitting smoking but it seems to be hard to quit if you have been a smoker for a long time. Nicotine is very addictive and it will take something just as strong to break this addiction. There is hope with smoking cessation programs West Springfield MA.

A smoker is not only affecting their health but those around them from producing second hand smoke which is just as deadly. All across the nation states are putting a ban on cigarette smoking more and more, and the most recent ban is smoking in your vehicle with young children under 18 present. It is something that is just becoming taboo in society.

While many smokers want to quit, they find the task difficult due to nicotine dependence and the withdrawal symptoms that follow quitting. Many have attempted to quit and failed due to not having a plan in place. Quitting smoking may require assistance, especially if you have been a smoker for quite some time.

There are many methods to quitting. Some have abruptly quit which is known as cold turkey which is a harsh method but for some it's effective, other therapies include group and one on one counseling, nicotine replacement therapy in the form of patches, inhalers, nasal sprays, lozenges and gum. These methods make withdrawal from cigarettes easier. There are other therapies that include prescription medication but you will have to consult with your health care professional to see if it's right for your situation.

If you are thinking about quitting you will first need to change your mindset about the habit. You may be tired of smelling like smoke and having stained teeth and fingers. The first thing you will need to do to quit is have a plan in place for quitting and have a support system. This is counseling is important, it could be in person, over the phone or online but do have someone you can talk to when you need them.

How you start your day plays a big role in helping you to quit. If the first thing you grab is a cup of coffee and a cigarette, this habit needs to be replaced with a healthier alternative. You should also eat right and supplement your diet with good vitamins and minerals. Also, when you quit your sense of taste and smell will return and food will taste a whole lot better.

Your support system may be helpful in this process and direct you to activities that do not involve cigarettes. Think of the savings and plan something with the money that you are saving as a reward to yourself for quitting. Give yourself enough incentive to quit and form a healthy lifestyle.

The more you learn to live without cigarettes the better and healthier your life will be. If you have a family, they will thank you too. After about three weeks to a month, you should be well on your way to developing new habits and enjoying the benefits of being a non smoker.

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