Monday, December 21, 2015

How A Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Helps Migraine Sufferers Find Relief

By Malinda Klosterman

Few individuals live life without experiencing a headache or two. These issues come in a so many varied levels of pain and can manifest practically anywhere in one's brain. A Redondo Beach chiropractor may be able to provide relief without having to resort to drug therapies.

Headaches manifest in so many ways and with so many extenuating factors. They have variables such as their affect on other body parts, are they steady or pulsating, is it pressure or pounding, their longevity, positioning and intensity. There are plenty of circumstances that may lead to their onset.

This particular malady has a vast range of intensities going from just a tiny prickling that is little more than a discomfort, to a stabbing pain that completely incapacitates the individual. In the middle area are such manifestations as consistent pounding, irregular pulses, nagging pressure and searing waves. Their duration and location can add to their strength and make it even more painful for the individual.

Migraines are different enough to warrant a class of their own. This type is quite often crippling, chronic and could negatively affect balance, sight, sensitivity and hearing while manifesting symptoms such as vertigo, nausea or nervousness. The condition may be classified as debilitating since frequent sufferers can experience flairs that might significantly limit their ability to carry out simple tasks.

In many cases, the root cause of this condition is a restriction in the flow of blood to the brain. Diagnostic tests such as MRI's and ultrasounds are typically run to determine if the circumstances are such that chiropractic care is able to provide relief and offer preventative measures. Should the cause be something that requires medical attention, such as a tumor, the patient will be sent to an appropriate physician.

Sometimes, nerves and blood vessels could become pinched in between two vertebrae in the spine which have been pushed even slightly out of position. The result is usually a pressure build up or irregular flow resulting in constant signals being sent to pain receptors. By manually manipulating the offending bones, relief may be found.

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