Sunday, January 24, 2016

Symptoms And How One Can Treat Lyme And Bee Venom Therapy

By Charles Anderson

Some diseases are spreading quite as fast as a bush fire. Such diseases are usually communicable by air, but some are not. These non-communicable diseases must be spread by vectors that live around us or in the animals or plants we eat as food. Such a common disease is the one spread by baby ticks on our pets. Below are some symptoms and how one can treat Lyme and bee venom therapy.

Lyme causes a skin rash that in most instances is irritating thus being quite uncomfortable. If persistent it may cause wounds due to regular scratching. To treat the rash, bee venom therapy can be used. The poison contains an antibiotic remedy that when applied on the skin helps control the itch and heals the skin.

Inside our bodies, there some fragile organs that suffers most when one is attacked by any disease. These include the kidneys that are usually responsible for blood cleaning. They help purify the blood by removal of toxins in help with the liver. Any infection on this organ makes it not be able to work properly thus may lead to blood poisoning after a while. This can also be treated by the bee venom since it contains the required ingredients for fighting the bacteria infecting the kidney.

Muscles are usually rumps of red meat that is responsible for holding together and locomotion of body. But they are also susceptible to attack by the Lyme, a bacterial disease that causes pain and thus difficulties in locomotion. The bee poison has some antibiotic that can fight and heal the bacterial infections and reduce the muscle pains.

The Lyme also affects the brains and the cranial neural systems causing symptoms such headaches, cramps in facial and jaws. The treatment to this kind of effects through therapy is done through the neural points. It is usually referred to as the neural therapy points. They are usually over the mastoid to improve related hearing and balance problems and other symptoms.

Lyme also can manifest itself through affecting the ears and eyes. In ears, it causes hypersensitivity to noise and change in eyesight and light sensitivity to eyes. The effects of this disease on ears and eyes are curbed by the poison. A solution is made from the venom and droplets of the solution introduced to the ears and eyes as directed by a physician.

The peripheral nervous system is also one of the areas affected by the bacteria. Symptoms that the peripheral nervous system is what is affected are shooting pains and a burning sensation. The antibiotic found in the bee poison used to administer the bee poison therapy is used to fight the Lyme bacteria.

The disease also causes distress on internal body organs hence a breakdown of the whole body. This can be dangerous. Indications that Lyme has affected internal organs include menstrual disorders in women, pelvic pains, low libido and sexual dysfunction. The bee venom therapy can be used on the Franken Hauser points on the body to treat such symptoms.

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