Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Bob Beck Protocol For Self Healing

By Steven Stone

A natural health plan designed to aid the body in healing without the assistance of medication, radiation or chemotherapy is now available. The Bob Beck Protocol suggest new technology like elctrotherapy can be very beneficial in the process. In conjunction with this belief, Beck came up with five steps which can help improve overall health and well being.

These steps include brain tuning to harmonize body, mind and soul, the drinking of ionic colloidal sliver water along with the use of electro and magnetic pulsing therapies. When using these therapies on a regular basis, individuals have reported everything from the elimination of various cancer cells to brain tumors. As a result, this protocol has now become more popular than ever among those who believe in holistic medicine.

The aspect of tuning the brain was developed in 1983. Among the first to simplify cranial electrical stimulation also known as CES, Mr. Beck was ahead of the time. Upon creating an application clients could use at home, Mr. Beck provided a system that applies this stimulation of frequencies used to heal the brain for home use. As the system works with brain waves, it has also been used to aid in overcoming various types of addictive behaviors.

Many individuals who have used the tuner have realized the elimination of existing brain tumors or residual issues from some thought once removed. Also, after using the tuner for 30 days or more, many report better overall peace of mind, mental alertness along with an elimination of anxiety and irritability. As a result, many individuals have now been able to transition to using the applications of this protocol instead of dangerous and often deadly, prescription drugs.

Users and others interested in this work come from a variety of socioeconomic levels in society. One reason keeping this free information available online though audio and video sites is so important. As with most free offerings, there are a number of publications and other materials which can be purchased from the website for a nominal fee.

One of the primary focuses Mr. Beck teaches is that individuals have the right to take back power from defeating forces in life. Whether those challenges be on a economic, medical, psychological or sociological level, the author teaches that individuals are responsible for healing oneself in all areas. As a result, the motto "Take Back Your Power, " has become quite well known as has the overall legacy of this holistic healer.

Unlike many other holistic health providers, Bob believed in sharing this information freely. While having passed on some time ago, the legacy of this holistic healer lives on through a website which continues to offer information on these and other applications. A number of past and present users of the protocol also provide testimonials which can help others decide whether or not these applications might be helpful on a personal level.

The audios and videos featured on the company website are generally the most informative. Although, there are several other audio cuts and videos available online. One thing is clear, by watching these numerous testimonials, interviews and other programming, the legacy of this well known holistic healer will live on as long as the information continues to be shared over time.

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