Thursday, July 14, 2016

Avoid The Tanning Salon With Self Tanning Products

By Haywood Hunter

Tan skin is ingrained in the human mind as a sign of health and vigor. Sun bathing and indoor tanning has become a habit for millions of people every year. Surprisingly, most people know the skin cancer risk of the sun, but sunbathe anyway. One way to keep the glow, but lose the risk is the use of self tanning products.

A tan body is considered to be an attractive quality in oneself and the opposite sex for many people. However, few individuals live somewhere where sun exposure is an option year round. A recent study estimates that 10% of Americans spend $300 on average tanning indoors.

The problem with tanning, of course is the increased risk of skin cancer. Scientists agree that the number one cause of skin caner us ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This is one reason some people turn to self tanning products.

The prohibitive cost of indoor tanning and risk of skin cancer are not a factor when using self tanning products. Self tanning products do not increase the likelihood of skin cancer but have the same visual appeal of a natural tan. And with so many products on the market, budget doesn't have to be an issue for someone looking for a year round glow.

There are a variety of self tanning products on the market. Self tanning products come in bronzing creams, lotions, and even sprays. Quality varies from one brand of self tanning products to another, as does expense. Individuals can choose a product that fits within their own budget and lifestyle.

There are many reasons a consumer might turn to self tanning products. People who want to be tan all year round can use self tanning products to do so without having access to the sun. They can also avoid spending a fortune on indoor tanning services. Self tanning products don't have the associated risk of melanoma that tanning beds have.

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