Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Relationship Between Yoga And Fashion

By Jordan Schmidt

There are many who might not see the connection between something that is connected to spirituality and something that is vain. This is why it might be hard for some to see the connection between yoga and fashion. One is has been developed for the spiritual advancement of man and the other is more about the superficial. But there is more to what seems obvious.

For one thing, both areas have much to do with finding out who an individual really is. One must not try to do a pose as fast or as perfect as everyone else. They have to go at their own pace and know what is comfortable for them. Over time, they will be able to do more as they get stronger and more flexible. They will also be able to find a strength they thought they never had.

This is also true when a person is trying to figure out what styles of clothing would be suitable them. They do some research on trends and what is trendy for a particular fashion season only to learn that it is not what it seems. They have to know who they are so that they will be able to choose what is right for them instead of following a crowd.

There are also multiple components to each area beside doing poses and wearing trendy clothes. Besides doing the right poses in sequence, one has to be observant of a number of other areas in their life in order for this discipline to have meaning. A clean diet also helps the body to healthier and do better poses. Thinking positive and about the way others are treated are also important.

In a similar way, clothes are more than what people see on runways and in stores. It is art that is moving and changing all the time because of the element of the design which include things like line, texture, and color among other things. If one is aware of these elements in themselves and their surroundings, they will be able to make the right choice in a garment.

The purpose of what a person does is also very important. There should always be a goal that one has when doing anything including poses and other slower forms of exercise. A person might decide that they need to be more balance in their body and mind. This could be a motivating factor in accomplishing their goals for health and fitness.

This Intention is also important in the clothing that one wears. A person has to make sure that they are wearing something that is appropriate for the occasion. This includes wearing certain colors that will create the right response in others. Even if a person decides to wear something that is true to themselves, they still have to make sure that there is a purpose for wearing it.

In order to see the connection between two seemingly unrelated things, one has to go deeper than the surface. By studying the basic things of life, one can see how everything is connected in some way. This is one of the best ways to grow and experience life.

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