Thursday, February 18, 2016

Castle Rock Neck Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic

By Arthur Albao

There are a number of reasons for someone to suffer neck pain. They include, but are not limited to, muscle strain, joint dysfunction and being hurt in an automobile accident. At the top of your spinal column is the atlas, which supports the weight of the head. In a car crash, even at slow speed, a rear end collision can result in a whiplash injury. It is similar to what happens to a baby when shaken. A leading Castle Rock Chiropractor is available to relieve the pain your injury caused.

People who are health conscious do not want to take strong pain medication for fear of addiction. Their reaction to the idea of surgery is the same. Chiropractic methods do not require either of those to facilitate pain relief.

Whiplash injuries require care to restore flexibility. The neck may be so stiff that practically no neck rotation or extension is possible. Any attempt to move the head causes extreme pain.

The goal of the adjustments is pain reduction, increasing the range of motion and generally improving function to the neck. Working towards that goal is started only after a full examination. It includes a medical history, x-rays and a discussion of how the pain is perceived.

Two commonly misunderstood facts are that wearing a cervical support collar for an extended period of time is beneficial. Another is that bed rest should be extended. Both are misconceptions. Two days for wearing the collar and two or three days of bed rest are recommended.

Even though your range of motion is limited, you should move as much as you can. Between each two appointments to have adjustments and massage the more movement the better. If you cannot do anything strenuous, walking is better than sitting around. It will help to alleviate the pain quicker.

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