Thursday, September 1, 2016

For Professionals In Teeth Whitening Houston Is Worth Visiting

By Joseph Turner

The process by which the natural color of tooth is recovered is called tooth whitening or tooth bleaching. Sometimes the bleaching may be intended to achieve whiter tooth beyond the natural color. The process involves removing calculus and other stains formed on the tooth. Coffee, tobacco, tea, among other substances are the causes of the stains. One can perform the process at home or they can visit a dentist at a dental office to have it done. When in need of professional teeth whitening Houston should be the first place to visit.

How tooth shade is perceived is a matter that depends on complex interaction of several factors such as translucency, light scattering, opacity, lighting conditions, human eye and brain, and gloss. A human tooth is composed of several parts, but the color is determined by two main parts, that is, the enamel and dentin.

Enamels have whiter shades and are semitransparent while dentins are darker and less transparent. Enamels and dentins are more calcified than bones. As such, a tooth is colored more like bones than pure white. Female tooth is usually whiter compared to that of males. This is caused by smaller dentins and larger enamels in female tooth. Molars are also bigger in size hence are darker than incisors and canines.

A deciduous tooth is also generally whiter in comparison to an adult tooth. The same logic applies in that the ration of enamel to dentin varies. The tooth changes in its mineral structure causing it to become darker. Tooth wear may also cause thinning and/or perforation over time.

Tooth bleaching is placed into two categories, in-office and at-home treatments. Dentists usually do in-office treatment after they first examine the mouth thoroughly. While examining the patient, the dentist notes any allergic reactions and sensitivities the patient may have. They also take a health history as well as a dental history. The status of restorations is noted and observation of hard and soft tissues is done too. X-ray and imaging methods may also be used.

When bleaching, the bleaching agent, which could be hydrogen peroxide or carbide peroxide, is applied on teeth. Papilla, gums and other soft tissues are protected using light-cured protective layer. The process of bleaching is only effective on teeth that have turned yellow and not gray. The amount of time taken depends on the level of discoloration. Better results can be achieved using custom bleaching trays where ordinary bleaching proves to be ineffective.

Light accelerated bleaching is less common these days because better technologies have replaced it. Light accelerated bleaching as suggested by the name employs light energy to make bleaching occur faster. LED, plasma arc, and halogen are examples of light energy used. This method requires the use of large amount of bleaching agents to achieve the best results.

Several methods also exist for use at home, including paint-on films, whitening strips, rinses, and chewing gums. The effectiveness of these methods is not certain according to research findings. Also, these methods do not have any long term potential risks or effectiveness.

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