Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Management Of Muscle Pain Symptoms

By Dorthy Swanson

Another name given to muscle pain is myalgia. This is pain that is occurring in the muscles. These kinds of pains are very common and almost everybody experiences them a few times in their lives. Almost every part of the body is composed of muscles, which makes these pains to be capable of appearing in almost everywhere. Muscle pain symptoms vary depending on where n the body they are occurring.

In most circumstance, the cause of myalgia can always be pinpointed by most people. The reason for this is that myalgia occurs as a result of three major factors, which are, excessive stress, tension, or physical activity. The part of the body where muscle tension can occur may be just one or several places. When muscles are used excessively, they also ache. Injury is also a common cause.

Not all instances of myalgia are related to physical activity, tension, or stress. There are also medical explanations that may cause the problem. Some common medical causes are hypokalemia, thyroid problems, infections, use of certain drugs or medications, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorder. Low potassium content in the body causes hypokalemia. Examples of drugs and medications that may cause myalgia are cocaine, statins, and ACE inhibitors.

There are also certain infections that cause myalgia. Bacterial infections, flu, and polio are some of the main infections. Lupus, polymyositis, and derematomyositis are among the autoimmune disorders that can result in this condition while thyroid problems contributing to myalgia are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The cause of the aching is a major determinant of how long it will stay. In many cases, it takes just a few days for it to go away. In others, it may take months and that is when a doctor should be seen immediately.

The pain can be eased using various home remedies during the first few days it starts to be felt. In most cases, the aching will respond to these remedies and go away after some days. The first remedy is to rest the region where the pains are being felt. The best way to do this is to lie or sit down. Ibuprofen, paracetamol or similar over-the-counter painkillers can be taken. If the place is inflamed and painful, one may apply an ice pack.

The muscle that is paining can be stretched gently to ease the problem. One may also use any suitable ointment to rub the muscles in a gentle manner. Weightlifting and other high-impact activities should be avoided for as long as there is still an ache in the body. Meditation, yoga and similar stress-relieving exercises may be helpful too.

One should seek medical help if home remedies do not work after a few days. Persistent myalgia is often an indication of an underlying health condition. If the strategies applied above remain ineffective after some days, it is time to seek medical help.

Aching that occurs without any apparent reason should warrant a trip to the doctor. The same applies to myalgia that occurs together with elevated body temperatures, redness, swelling, or a rash in the region. Cases of myalgia that are treated as medical emergencies are when the condition causes difficulty breathing or swallowing and immobility or weakness in affected areas.

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