Saturday, January 14, 2017

Six Facts About Diabetic Retinopathy

By Mary Howard

This illness is a hazardous eye complication that can cause vision impairments. Many people have been diagnosed with this ailment. However, they fail to seek immediate medical attention since they do not have sufficient information regarding this disease. Here are details you need to know about diabetic retinopathy:

This disorder is classified into two types: the non-proliferative and proliferative retinopathy. The non-proliferative type is the earliest stage of the disorder. In this stage, symptoms may be mild or non-existent. The proliferative type is the advanced stage of the disorder. In this stage, the symptoms are detectable.

This condition is caused by hyperglycemia. Uncontrolled diabetes triggers the accumulation of sugar in blood vessels. This impedes the normal flow of blood to body organs including the eye. The gradual accumulation of sugar prompts the progressive damage of the retina. Sugar clogs blood vessels around the retina thus, destroying light-sensitive cells that are necessary for good vision. The clogged vessels leak fluids that cause the retina to swell hence, causing blurry vision or the permanent loss of sight.

The symptoms of this disorder depend on the extent of the disease. In the early stages, there are no noticeable symptoms. However, if the disease has progressed, you will notice symptoms such as blurry vision. Blurred vision is the lack of sharpness in vision. Eye pain is also a key symptom of this disorder. If the disease has progressed, you may feel discomfort around the eye. Other symptoms of the disease include double vision, fluctuating vision, eye floaters, and corneal abnormalities. If you detect these symptoms, you should visit an ophthalmologist. This will prevent the permanent damage of the retina.

Treatment for this disorder depends on the stage of the disease. In the early stage, this condition can be treated through dieting and exercise. Proper diet and regular exercise will enable you to monitor and regulate your blood sugar. If the disease has progressed, it can be treated through laser surgery. This treatment will minimize leakage thus, reducing swelling around the retina. Also, in the advanced stage, this disorder can be treated through vitrectomy surgery. This surgery will facilitate the removal of damaged scar tissue around the retina. It will also facilitate the repair of a detached retina. In Bethesda, MD, treatment costs for this disorder are relatively cheap.

People diagnosed with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing this condition. Individuals that have other medical disorders such as obesity and high-blood pressure are also at a greater chance of developing this disorder. Other risk factors include race, age, and pregnancy.

People that are susceptible to this ailment can reduce their susceptibility by keeping fit and eating a balanced diet. They can also minimize their vulnerability by regulating blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels. If you are susceptible to this ailment, you should eat healthy meals, exercise strenuously and visit the doctor regularly.

Preventing the progressive damage of the retina is important. This condition can pose a severe threat to your eye-sight. If you want to understand more about this disorder, you can consider the facts discussed in the article.

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