Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Medical Tourism Agents And Facilitators Help The Desperately Ill

By Douglas McDonald

Every year thousands of people die because they could not obtain the treatment or medication that they so desperately need in time. This is not just a third world problem. In some developed countries waiting lists for even routine procedures can be excruciatingly long. For those that can afford it, the answer is to travel abroad to a country that has the facilities and expertise to provide treatment immediately. They make use of medical tourism agents and facilitators to help them find treatment.

Travelling in order to obtain treatment is not a modern trend. History and even the Bible are teeming with examples of people that went to great lengths and even suffered greatly in order to reach a famous healer or even a site, such as a fountain, that was reputed to provide healing. Many of these famous ancient healing sites are still famous to this day and tourists flock to them.

The motivation for travelling abroad for treatment differ considerably from one case to the next. In many cases the treatment necessary simply is not available in their home countries. In many other cases the waiting list is too long, often years, which can be a certain death sentence. It is no wonder that these patients will do whatever they can to get the help that will save their lives.

Sometimes patients choose to travel for treatment even though the treatment is available in their own countries. In such cases the patient wants to be attended by the best authority in the world and in the very best medical facilities. To this end they will pay huge sums of money to be seen by world recognized specialists practising in foreign countries.

Even patients with modest means often travel abroad for treatment. This is possible because some countries boasting superior medical facilities have weak currencies. A highly favourable exchange rate makes it possible for ordinary middle income individuals to seek superior treatment. The charges may seem high in the currency of the host country, but not to the patient who would never afford the treatment in his own country.

Critics say that the current system is corrupt. Greedy specialists and hospitals charge their foreign patients a fortune because they know how desperate they are. In exchange for these large sums, the patient is promised speedy treatment and the utmost discretion. In addition, other, local, patients often have to wait longer because these cash rich foreigners get preferential treatment. The entire issue should be subject to much stricter laws and rules.

When approaching an agent or facilitator to arrange a trip to another country for treatment purposes, the utmost care should be taken. Only someone that knows the health system of the target country intimately should be considered. In some cases extended visas will be required if the treatment is expected to take some time. Patients should also understand that once their treatment is done and they return to their own country, it will be very difficult to lodge complaints.

When people face death they will go to almost any length to get the treatment that can save their lives. This is not always available in their own countries. It is vital, however, to use only highly respected physicians and facilities.

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