Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Of Navicular Disease In Horses

By Michael Schmidt

Humans and horses have a long history of interaction. In the course of their domestications, horses have been employed in a spate of sport competitions and recreational pursuits. They are used in work, such as agriculture and entertainment, as can be seen in fair grounds and carnivals. Many products are also derived from them, as with milk, hide, hair, and some such. With their gentle temperament and provided recreation, they are also much contributive to therapy. Their usefulness cant indeed be underestimated. Contributing to their well being and longevity is a small payback to the benefits and services they grant us. It would also serve well to look out for certain common ailments that plague them, such as navicular disease in horses.

Of all the ailments and some such complaints associated with these animals, lameness is perhaps predominant. This condition is one that is suffered by a huge fraction of the equine population. This turned out to be the condition which horse owners and fanciers are most in the lookout for.

So far, no one has been able to pinpoint one definitive cause of this syndrome. As anyone may guess, however, there are many theories pitched in by scientists, veterinarians, and horse owners alike. Indeed, its occurrence and recurrence are more common in some breeds and circumstances than in others.

For equine lovers and fanciers, lameness is worrying in more ways than just a horse perceived usefulness, ability to work, and whatnot. As it is, this condition is quite set apart by the kind suffered by animals of other kinds and species. For others, this condition is actuated by a fractured or broken bone. Horses bones, however, are not the type to break or fracture, but those that shatter to little pieces. Therefore, youd quite agree that its not the type that one can cure with some nifty surgery.

Arduous and strenuous activities are also contributive. For example, excessive running, galloping, jumping, and generally working on steep hills, hard, and irregular ground intuitively contribute to the diseases development. The conformation of the hooves is also important, such as in the way theyre run, sheared, contracted, or otherwise naturally formed, for example, if theyre disproportionately small and mismatched. Weight to foot size ratio is also important, since the relative load on the foot is accordingly greater. Its also more occurring in heavy bodied and hot blooded horses like thoroughbreds and quarter horses, and in ages between seven and fourteen.

Its therefore not such a viable option to do surgeries or amputations. This is the selfsame reason why one doesnt see three legged horses just about anywhere. For intuitive reasons, prosthetics are also not the nifty solution it is for small animals such as cats and dogs. Anyway, the leg movements of their equine counterparts are so intricate and precise, and you can imagine the difficulty of reproducing a leg with all the specifications.

Since there is no pinpointed single cause, there is also no umbrella treatment for this disease. One would have to look for ways to manage the condition rather than cure it. Proper trimming and therapeutic shoeing can do the trick, as it provides visible relief to our equine friends. The former is pitched by those who believe that being barefoot is naturally designed as a blood pumping auxiliary so as to aid blood circulation in the lower extremities, that is, the legs. Corrective shoeing, on the other hand, uses a shoe that lifts and supports the heel.

No one know how this syndrome develops. Thats because its an insidious condition that comes out of nowhere and progresses rather slowly. It is also widely occurring in an extensive demographic of differing kinds and conditions, so it can therefore be baffling where it springs from in the first place.

The problem must be nipped in the bud. There is a nearly one hundred percent improvement in horses that are immediately treated within months, as opposed to those who have been corrected in a year or more. One mustnt wait for the degeneration to advance, to the point that the horse is irreversibly lame. With the progression of more months or years, the horse may be nonresponsive to treatments and there is nothing that can be done about its condition.

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