Sunday, January 12, 2014

Chiropractic Care Can Effectively Eliminate Shoulder Pain

By Zoe Auld Langley

The shoulder is the the most mobile joint in the body that consists of a ball and socket mechanism which is further supported by a number of ligaments and the four "rotator cuff" tendons. With such a wider range of motion, it is especially susceptible to damage and strain.. Patients who are afflicted with shoulder pain will find the relief they are looking for through the safe, drug-free approach offered by a chiropractor.

The amount of discomfort felt typically depends on the specific issue causing it. In some cases there may inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues of the rotator cuff joint, or the pain may originate in the neck area, due to a misaligned vertebra. Pain must be evaluated early on to prevent chronic problems from developing.

Chiropractic medicine is focused on identifying and eliminating the cause of any adverse condition in the body, rather than just minimizing the symptoms. The course of treatment recommended will depend on what the chiropractor determines to be causing the discomfort. An accurate diagnosis is essential to a successful therapy experience and a full recovery.

Being a holistic health care discipline, this means that all aspects of the patient's health must factor into the care he or she receives. The chiropractor will ask questions about one's typical diet and exercise habits, body mechanics, and will also take a full health history. A physical examination will be performed to evaluate the range of motion, and in some instances diagnostics such as a CT scan or MRI may be requested.

Once the chiropractor has identified the problem, the client will begin therapy. Spinal adjustments are the front-line treatment used by most practitioners. Manual pressure applied is effective for restoring alignment to vertebrae that have shifted out of place. This technique can be used on the cervical spine and also on the shoulder joint itself if necessary. Correcting misalignment relieves swelling and inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the joint.

The patient may also be given a set of stretching exercises to do at home. Performing these movements improves circulation, eases inflammation, strengthens muscles, improves range of motion and conditions the area in such a way that it is less likely to recur. Some patients will also be advised to alter their usual body mechanics as this can hasten the healing process. The correct posture, especially in people who sit for long periods of time regularly can help reverse shoulder discomfort.

The chiropractor may also use other treatments to help ease the patient's pain, such as traction, massage, and hot and cold therapy. These techniques can ease inflammation in the joint which can cause discomfort, and will often be implemented in conjunction with exercises and adjustments.

Patients who struggle with shoulder pain may not be comfortable with the typical approach used by mainstream doctors that involves the use of injections, steroids, and NSAID drugs. Chiropractic offers a safe and natural alternative which aims to eliminate the cause of the discomfort instead of focusing on the symptoms and prolonging the condition.

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