Thursday, January 23, 2014

What Is Anxiety And What Can You Do About It?

By Sunshine Brinkmann

Even though panic attacks and anxiety are very common in our society, most people simply do not understand what causes it or what it is.

So what exactly is anxiety anyway? Anxiety is a disorder in which your mind thinks that you are in enough danger for your body and mind to react. If there were a circumstance where you were truly in danger, you would see that your body would have many of the same symptoms.

You would feel your heart racing through your chest. You would begin to sweat and your breathing would become very shallow and your eyes would dilate to get ready for you to flee the scene. These symptoms are very simply something that all humans are born with and are necessary for us to survive if there is ever any real danger.

If you are an anxiety sufferer though, you have a part of your brain that is not working the way it should be working. It is sending incorrect information to your body about the danger that it thinks is present, and that is what causes these terrible symptoms.

But in the case of an anxiety attack, there is no real danger. There is only the perceived danger that your mind thinks is happening to you.

How can you learn to cope with this?

In case you are not aware, a human brain is one powerful computer. You can tell it what you want it to do, and if you are convincing enough, it will listen. This is exactly why anxiety is so scary, because your brain is convinced that something is wrong.

But it will listen, if only you speak the right language.

And the very first thing you must do is to realize deep down that you and your brain are the ones causing all of this anxiety and panic. Then you have to come to the realization that you are not sick, you will not die and you are not losing your mind.

The moment you start believing these simple concepts you will notice something. You will see that just as your mind goes through all of this work to convince you that you are sick or in danger, it can also be told that you are fine and not in any danger.

Anxiety is a complex disorder, and it is very hard to live with. Luckily though there are a lot of methods to safely get rid of it, without having to take dangerous medications in the process.

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